I am a bit worried about the state of the environment. Indeed, I am sometimes overcome with fear for the future- considering global warming, climate change, pollution, various animals and plants going extinct and the growing scarcity of resources. Part of me actually considers packing the car full of canned goods and water and building a cabin somewhere off the grid- someplace I can escape to when everything goes to hell.
But, at my core, I am an optimist. So I decided to get active instead of getting depressed (or becoming a radical hermit- a lifestyle I am not suited for). Here is my first humble offering- a blog about my attempts to live a more environmentally-friendly existence while residing in one of the most un-environmentally-friendly places in the US- Los Angeles.
Hopefully I can make some changes in my own life (with this blog to keep me honest), and hopefully someone will read this blog and get a few tips to help them on their way as well. Thanks for being here- it takes individuals to make a collective difference.
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